Join the Green Infrastructure conversation at the Polypipe InfraGreen Conference
Wednesday 27th June 2018

This inaugural event will bring together key figures from the architecture, construction, policy and planning community, for a day of discussion led by industry experts in Water Management Solutions and alternative green drainage.
In the light of increasing urbanisation coupled with the growing effects of climate change, the conference will explore the crucial role of intelligent water management in securing a greener, more resilient future.
The exclusive one-day event will be taking place on the 28th June at the prestigious Institution of Civil Engineers in central London.
Polypipe InfraGreen Conference: What to expect
Esteemed specialists from across the industry will be speaking on a range of pertinent issues, from Blue-Green roof design and the Urban Heat Island effect, to passive irrigation and how to make cities smarter to combat the effects of climate change.
Project case studies will also be discussed, providing real-life examples where Green Infrastructure is already making a tangible difference here in the UK.
Why we need to act now
Rapid urbanisation over the last century has come at the expense of biodiversity and clean air in urban and rural areas, and the effects are exacerbated by the increasing regularity of flooding incidents caused by climate change.
Green Infrastructure is part of the solution, but it isn’t simply about adding greenery to urban developments. It is about incorporating water management solutions into planning to deliver multifunctional benefits that help reduce the impacts of climate change while improving the health and wellbeing of the people who live within our cities.
Polypipe’s InfraGreen Conference will offer industry professionals an unparalleled insight into how they can make a difference by incorporating Green Infrastructure and InfraGreen systems into their schemes and projects.
Hear from the experts at the InfraGreen Conference
On the day, senior Green Infrastructure specialists from Polypipe will be joined by a host of high-profile, influential guest speakers, all of whom are at the cutting edge of the field:
Peter Massini: Principal Policy & Programme Officer, Greater London Authority - Green Infrastructure
Peter currently leads the Greater London Authority’s work on Green Infrastructure and the Mayor’s commitment to make London a National Park City. He has a particular interest in understanding how to make the natural environment more relevant in London by ensuring its many benefits are recognised as being an essential part of a liveable, resilient city.
Dusty Gedge: President of the European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations
Dusty Gedge is a recognised authority, designer, consultant and public speaker on green roofs and urban Green Infrastructure. He is the current President of the European Federation of Green Roof Associations and founder of and is a working group member of the EU GI and Ecosystem Services working group.
Dr. Thomas Young: STRI
Dr. Young has worked at the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) since 2014 as a Research Manager, establishing the STRI as the leading UK green roof substrate test house. He also co-developed the new UK Green Roof Organisation (GRO) green roof substrate standards in collaboration with GRO and the University of East London (UEL).
For a full list of the confirmed speakers and topics, visit